
Daw Mie Nge is a female farmer in Loi Mun Village, Southern Shan State, and participant in the Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) training conducted by MIID since the project funded by DFID through the DaNa Facility was initiated in 2017. Daw Mie Nge is Vice-Chairwomen of the Village Crop Producer Group and functions as an organizer for trainings and information sharing in the village:

“I share market price information with other farmers as well as sharing my knowledge of GAP. Some farmers come and ask me about GAP methods and I can explain because I have received the practical training.”

Since MIID started the project, Daw Mie Nge is one of many farmers in the three villages in the Pa-O Self-Administered Zone who has experienced steady economic progress and gained new knowledge on Good Agriculture Practices with focus on the value chains of ginger and turmeric.


You can find more success stories from MIID here and read the full story about Daw Mie Nge here