
On September 5th, Friday Times, a Myanmar-language newspaper, reported on MIID’s Himalica Project on deforestation, climate change adaptation and organic farming.  Myanmar journalists, as part of a training on climate change reporting, visited to Let Maung Kway village tract, one of MIID project sites, and discussed with the villagers and MIID staff about environmental impacts the village is facing and potential solutions for sustainable livelihoods.

Nyi Nyi Lwin, a MIID staff based in Heho, Shan State, was quoted explaining the project’s recent work. “MIID has been providing awareness training about deforestation and climate change adaptation.  Young bamboo plant (seeds) have been distributed for re-establishment of bamboo forest. This project is funded by international donors including the EU and ICIMOD’s approaches to mountain development. MIID also supports with technical assistance, training for agricultural and water access for local communities.”

Nyi Nyi Lwin, an agricultural trainer, also discussed the challenges of promoting organic vegetables due to a weak consumer market and higher price of the vegetables.

The article highlights how the local communities have learned about the impact of deforestation and climate change. In order to combat the effects of these changes, the villagers are planting and raising trees which provide important support to the environment.