
20 Students from the SAI in Falam joined MIID’s agronomists and community facilitators for a week hands-on, field-based learning – using a unique approach to participatory research to guide and develop their learning. 

Using video to document their experiences, the students explored themes in agricultural extension at MIIDs Farmer field Schools. Equipped with cameras, students were asked to explore the question ‘how does your SAI training prepare you for fieldwork?’. Their findings were then summarised in presentations on the final day of the training. 

Head of SAI Horticultural Department Daw Ohn Ma said: ‘during the field visits the students have gained skills in team-working, increased their knowledge on home gardening and nutrition education, and got experience in how to work with farmers during fieldwork’.

In Chin State, MIID works to promote nutrition-sensitive agriculture through a network of farmer field schools, and to build an evidence base for a new approach to Upland farming in the curricula of agricultural learning institutions. In Myanmar focus in agriculture education has hitherto been on agriculture in the lowland.